Karmic Soulmates – twin flame karmic partner?

Have you ever come across the term karmic soulmates and wondered what this means? When you’re in a karmic relationship, expect that the relationship can be pretty intense. The moment you two meet each other, sparks fly fast, and you both are instantly attracted to one another. You will find yourself unable to sleep since all you think of is this person and how perfectly they fit into your life. Then you immediately assume that person could be “the one” and could be. 

In this article, let’s take a look into what a karmic relationship is and the common signs you might be in one. 

What is a Karmic Relationship? 

A relationship between two karmic soulmates is called a karmic relationship. It’s a relationship meant to show us the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime regarding love and partnership. Since the relationship is usually a connection of two souls, a karmic relationship is believed to be a soulmate relationship. However,  it’s important to note that karmic soulmates are different from twin flame karmic partner. More often than not, we will all have to experience at least one karmic relationship in our lifetime. But these types of relationships are not exactly smooth sailing. In fact, they can be pretty toxic. 

From a spiritual point of view, the idea behind karmic soulmates is that you  two have already made an agreement even before your souls entered this lifetime. You both agree to help each other on the respective paths to take. Very often, we have numerous unresolved issues from our past lives. If people will be open to learning instead of trying to control each other, then there will be much healing. 

Our karmic soulmates are like teachers or guides. But usually, they are temporary and not intended to last a lifetime. You two are together in this life only to clear the karma amongst yourselves. They are only there to help us grow at a soul level and balance us out of a bad experience from our past life. 

Signs You Are In a Karmic Relationship 

Are you wondering if you’re in a karmic relationship? Remember, the experience is different from one person to another. Also, there’s a difference between being in a relationship with your karmic soulmate and twin flame karmic partner.  

Here are some signs that you might be in a karmic relationship. 

  1. There Is An Instant Connection 

The most obvious sign that you may have met your karmic soulmate is that you have an instant connection with the person. It will feel as if you have known that person in the past. Sometimes, you will get a very good feeling about the person, although there’s some fear attached to it, depending on your karma. 

  1. There’s Too Much Drama 

Not all relationships are smooth sailing. However, the relationship between two karmic soulmates often consists of too much drama. You can expect continuous turmoil and lots of ups and downs, and experience a general unsettled feeling. There’s no calmness in a karmic relationship, and it’s far from being smooth sailing. You will never know where you stand in a karmic relationship and you could find yourself constantly doubting your partner’s motives. 

  1. There Are Many Red Flags 

Karmic relationships are often filled with many red flags – from angry outbursts to controlling behavior. Unfortunately, karmic soulmates often bring the worst out in each other. When you’re in this kind of relationship, you will find it hard to control your actions, and you will find yourself doing things that are entirely out of character. Of course, it’s not healthy when a relationship is difficult and fractious. 

  1. You Become Codependent 

Emotions are pretty intense when you’re in a karmic relationship. However, you both could become codependent on each other. As you start connecting with your karmic soulmate, you could find it hard to leave them alone. Such a feeling is most likely mutual. If you often end up neglecting your free time and your other relationships are in jeopardy because you prefer to be with this person, this is a clear indication that something is wrong. Healthy relationships are relationships that give each person the time and space they require. 

  1. You Don’t Have Proper Communication 

Communication is the foundation of any good relationship. But if you’re in a karmic relationship, you could find it difficult to understand your partner. Miscommunication is common between two karmic soulmates, which is why it’s a somewhat challenging relationship to deal with. For instance, you could argue with each other on small and unnecessary things. What’s even worst is that you will not know where you stand in this person’s life, and you will find it difficult to read signals from them. 

  1. It Is Full of Passionate Arguments 

Forget about fireworks – an argument between two karmic soulmates is like a very powerful atomic bomb! Often, these disagreements could come out of the blue and surprise both of you. In many ways, one or both of you could cross lines during your arguments, and these disagreements could quickly escalate to being offensive. In addition, the disagreement could move swiftly from one topic to another, negating the original point entirely. 


Karmic relationships can be very exhausting by nature. The constant ups and downs of the relationship will leave you on your toes from the start. But since you will be addicted to the person, you could find yourself keep going back for more. A relationship between two karmic soulmates is exciting at first, but can become pretty dangerous. The longer you stay in the relationship, the more drained you will feel.  

No matter how much love you have for the person, know that karmic relationships are not sustainable. These partnerships will take more than they give. Therefore, staying in this kind of relationship is not a wise decision. It could impact your overall well-being and mental health. If you feel that the relationship is becoming toxic and doesn’t serve both of you, it is best to let go. 

Twin Flame Anxiety Attacks: How to Deal with Twin Flame Reunion Anxiety?

A twin flame reunion anxiety can happen if you are dealing with a separation from your twin flame, and you’re left wondering if there is still a chance for the two of you to reunite. Although it’s common for twin flames to separate, this separation can often lead to a reunion. However, while waiting for the reunion, a part of you will be feeling scared of what’s about to happen.  

The best way to deal with the situation is to take a closer look into your twin flame relationship. Understand what the problem is and talk to your partner to see if there’s still a possibility that you can reconcile. Besides, the fear of the unknown is way too much to bear than the fear of the relationship itself. 

When Will Twin Flame Reunion Anxiety Attack? 

Twin flame anxiety attacks when you feel scared about a possible reunion with your twin flame after your separation. Perhaps you feel anxious about restarting a relationship with your twin flame for certain reasons. It’s also possible that you are worried that maybe the two of you will no longer be together again. Are you able to handle a permanent separation with your twin flame? 

Separating with your twin flame is a truly devastating experience. Twin flames often have deep connection and feelings towards each other. So, a separation could trigger feelings of stress and anxiety. But it’s important to remember that anxiety often lives in the future. The unknowns surrounding your possible reunion with your twin flame are often why twin flame anxiety attacks

How to Prevent Twin Flame Reunion Anxiety? 

In most cases, the uncertainty surrounding your twin flame reunion is what’s causing your anxiety. The best way to deal with the situation is to take a closer look at the events leading to your twin flame reunion. Think about the events that could happen during the reunion and after it to quiet down your anxiety.  

Since anxiety often lives in the future, mindfulness and living in the present moment is the best antidote. Understanding where you are on your twin flame journey allows you to focus on what is happening now and keep your mind from racing ahead to numerous “what if” scenarios.  

Signs A Twin Flame Reunion Will Happen 

As mentioned, one of the best ways to deal with twin flame reunion anxiety is to have a closer look at the events leading up to your separation and reunion. Fortunately, there are many signs that the universe often uses to tell us if a twin flame reunion is bound to happen soon.  

Here are some signs that a twin flame reunion could happen soon. 

  • You’re thinking of each other more often than ever 

Although your twin flame is not far from your thoughts, it seems that recently, every little thing constantly reminds you of them. Even something that’s completely unrelated will make you think about them. You will immediately think about your twin flame would react to certain things or what they will say if they are with you. Subconsciously, you will find yourself thinking about places that mean the most to both of you. 

  • You constantly dream of your twin flame 

Aside from thinking about your twin flame every day, they will also be present in your dreams. Your dreams, often filled with sadness while in the separation phase, will begin to shine with hope.  

Your dream about your possible reunion and the intensity of your separation has been instilled in you both. In some cases, you could also dream of reunions you have in your past life. Whatever your dreams are, you could find yourself waking up filled with sadness and longing, but with a renewed hope for the future and a sign of new beginnings. Somehow, this renewed hope can help prevent twin flame anxiety attacks.  

  • Signs of new beginnings 

Speaking of new beginnings, this is one of the signs that the universe will send you to let you know that a possible twin flame reunion is about to happen soon. Some of the signs include hearing or reading stories about people overcoming adversities. Walking through nature could reveal to you the new beginnings of a beautiful life. Sometimes, when you talk to people, you will recognize a theme of new beginnings from their stories, such as someone is starting a new venture, an upcoming wedding, or new arrival to a family.  

Along with these signs, you will also get a sense of new beginnings within yourself. You will recognize a charged energy similar to what you will feel when you’re with your twin flame. It might be a similar feeling, but it’s actually different. This time, your energies have evolved to prepare you for a long-term reunion with your twin flame.  

What Happens During your Twin Flame Reunion? 

So, the moment you have been waiting for finally comes. But what if your relationship starts falling apart again? This could be one of the reasons behind your twin flame anxiety attacks – the fear that your reunion might just lead to nothing.  

When you meet your twin flame for the first time, your differences could drive a wedge into your relationship, leading to fights. Eventually, your egos will take charge, and that’s when a separation is bound to happen. That’s why during your separation, use that time to reflect on your relationship. Recognize your differences and view them in a positive light. Use your differences to bring a balance to your relationship, so you can come together as a whole instead of two people trying to outdo each other.  

For instance, if you are more outspoken, the other party should be calmer. If one of you is more ambitious, the other should be willing to offer support and encourage their twin flame to pursue their ambitions. Your differences can bring harmony to your relationship if you recognize these differences and use them to complement each other and not divide each other. 

How Many Times Do Twin Flames Separate?

It’s pretty common for twin flames to part ways, but this is often temporary. So, how many times do twin flames separate


A separation between twin flames is not like any relationship breakdown. Since both have deep feelings for each other, a separation will feel like your life has been shattered. Twin flame love for each other can make a breakup agonizing and often unbearable.  

Although most twin flame separations are only temporary, they can happen several times. A twin flame relationship is full of hardships, pain, and heartbreaks, so separation is highly likely and could happen numerous times. But how many times do twin flames separate? Read on to find out. 

What Is Twin Flame Separation, and Can It Be Avoided? 

When a soul is divided into two physical beings, these two people are known as the twin flames. The relationship between two twin souls is not necessarily romantic. It can also be platonic, such as between friends. However, the relationship can get very intense at some point, that separation is often always inevitable. The cause for separation could come from one party or both parties involved in the twin flame relationship.  

Twin flames can get back together after a separation, but this could end in another separation again. Because of this, people in twin flame relationships often ask, do twin flames separate more than once? Yes, they do! 

Twin relationships are usually preordained, but so as the separation and unions. Breaking up is a normal part of the twin flame journey, and twin flames are bound to separate multiple times. That’s because when twin flames separate, they just cannot resist getting back together because of the intense feelings they have for each other. And when they are together again, they cannot avoid breaking up once more.  

The reasons behind a twin flame separation would vary. Therefore, if you ask how many times do twin flames separate? The answer to that question would vary as well. But it’s important to know that twin flame separation is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a normal part of the relationship. 

What Causes Twin Flame Separation? 

Twin flames are mirror souls, which means these two have many similarities. Often, this is the main reason behind the breakup of the relationship. While you can personally escape and ignore your shortcomings, it can become unbearable to deal with once you are confronted with these things through your twin flame. It is for these reasons why many twin flame relationships end up separating. 

Often, the main reason twin flames reunite is to help both parties in self-discovery and scale to new heights to realize their own potential. In these relationships, there is always the tendency for things to go downhill, especially if one party is becoming too involved. Many times, however, the separation between twin flames is amicable since the mutual respect remains intact. So, when you ask, how many times do twin flames separate? It all depends on the two parties involved in the relationship. If twin flames are willing to accept each other despite their weaknesses, separation could be minimized or even avoided. 

As passions run high in a twin flame relationship, both parties cannot avoid extreme bursts of anger. When it becomes too much to bear, they will eventually separate. Whoever decides to let go is called the “twin flame runner.” Meanwhile, the other party is often the “chaser.” 

The separation stage can be brutally painful for both parties and will often last longer if both will continue to carry negative emotions. However, if one or both parties are willing to recognize each other’s weaknesses, they will view the separation stage as temporary. The breakup will be shorter, and the reunion is often smoother. 

Although things will usually be going great in your relationship with your twin flame, you should recognize any signs of imminent separation. Since no two twin flame relationships are the same, there are many common reasons why twin flames often end up separating from each other. These include pushing each other too much and too much familiarity.  

Even if both parties do not consider each other as twin flames, reunions can eventually happen after a brief separation. Still, there’s a chance the two could separate again. So, if you ask, do twin flames separate more than once? Yes, definitely! 

How To Handle Twin Flame Separation? 

Whether you are the one who triggered the separation or are partially responsible for the breakup, you should know how to properly deal with the situation. The number of times you two will separate and reunite will mainly depend on your willingness to fix things. If you take all the negative baggage brought about by the relationship, separation could happen several times.  

If you are the one who got left behind, all you can do is accept things as they are. Usually, the separation is only temporary. Perhaps, the other person needs some space to think things through, so you must be willing to give that. You will gain nothing if you resist the breakup. Again, separation is a normal part of your twin flame relationship. 

Try to maintain a positive outlook while separated from your twin flame. Practice self-love and meditation. If you remain positive, there’s a good chance that you will reunite with your twin flame faster. 


If you are currently separated from your twin flame and find yourself wondering, how many times do twin flames separate? The answer will depend on several factors. Separation and reunions can happen many times in your twin flame journey. However, the number of times you will separate and reunite will vary.  

A twin flame relationship is a unique relationship. It is a special experience for both parties involved in the relationship. If you are in a relationship with your twin flame, consider yourself lucky. Not everyone is fortunate enough to experience this special type of relationship. Make the most of it and try to be patient and understanding with your partner to minimize separation. 

Twin Flame Soulmate: Difference Between Twin Flame and Soulmate

Have you experienced feeling an instant connection with a person upon first meeting? If so, then that person could be your twin flame soulmate. An instant connection or feeling of “love at first sight” is what you will experience if you encounter your twin flame. Even if you have not met the person before, you will feel like you have already known each other for a long time. But it’s worth noting that the concept of a twin flame soulmate is different from a soul mate. While they might seem similar, there is a difference between a soulmate and twin flame.  

In this article, let’s find out the difference between twin flame and soulmate and whether these relationships are really meant to be. 

What is a Soul Mate? 

A soulmate is someone you form a deep connection with instantly upon meeting. But a soulmate is not always someone you had a romantic relationship with. Soulmates can come in the form of both romantic partners and friendships. Your soulmate is someone who deeply understands you to the point where it feels like you may have known each other in your past life or that you have shared experiences even though you have just recently met each other. 

What is a Twin Flame Soulmate? 

Your twin flame soulmate is like your “mirror soul”. It refers to that person you are emotionally connected to in a deeper level. The idea behind twin flame soulmate explains that these are two souls that are halves of one being. Once you meet your twin flame, you will feel instantly connected. However, it could lead to unhealthy relationships since their twin souls will also mirror each other’s weaknesses and insecurities instead of balancing them out. 

How Are Twin Flames and Soulmates Similar? 

Twin flame relationships and soulmates are both linked to the idea of souls and the concept of destiny. When you first meet the person who can be your twin flame or soulmate, it can be difficult to figure out if they are your twin flame or soulmate since the initial interactions are often quite similar. Sure, you will feel instantly connected to one another and as if you are destined to meet. It will also feel like you have already met each other in your past life. Once you start to form a relationship, you’ll be able to discern whether the person is your twin flame or soulmate at the later stage of the relationship. However, your initial meeting will feel special and serendipitous.  

What Makes Twin Flames Different from Soulmates? 

Although soul mates and twin flame soulmates refer to that deep connection between two people, the relationships themselves are actually different. So, you might ask, what is the difference between twin flame and soulmate

Soul mates deeply understand each other and can balance each other out due to their strong emotional connection. These two people often end up together since they are highly compatible. Twin flame soulmates often teach and inspire each other to grow. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the real concept of twin flames and assume that the two individuals will only feel whole once they are together. However, in reality, twin flame relationships are the type of relationships that will help you grow to your full potential. The mirroring effect that the twin flame relationship brings to two people can inspire emotional growth, helping you to become more yourself. 

What Are the Signs You Have Already Found Your Twin Soulmate? 

If you feel an instant connection with a person upon meeting them the first time, then you may have already found your soulmate which is a sign. You will get along with them easily and feel that you are in tune with one another and are extremely compatible in so many ways. Twin flame connections will also feel intense, but you will soon realize that you are not exactly compatible. Yet you will find that you are too similar to the other person. Twin flame soulmates tend to be very tumultuous since they amplify your insecurities, something you do not want to experience. 

Can Soulmates Become Twin Flames? 

As you know by now, soulmate and twin flame are different. But is it possible for your soulmate to become your twin flame? Although there are some shared characteristics between the two, soulmates can never be twin flames. Soulmates refer to two souls that are destined to be together. On the other hand, twin flames refer to a single soul divided into two physical beings. Soulmates are naturally compatible and are often well suited to one another.  

Twin flame soulmates have a strong attraction towards each other but are not that compatible even though they are similar in so many ways. Soulmates are two people meant to be together, but twin flames are meant to encourage awareness and growth in one another. However, it’s worth noting that twin flames may end up with each other, but only when they overcome each other’s insecurities. Twin flames go though separation, but reunion also happens.

Which is Better – Twin Flame or Soulmate? 

It’s hard to say which of the soulmate and twin flame is better since they serve different purposes. You will most likely end up with your soulmate, thanks to your strong compatibility and deep connection with each other. Twin flame soulmates are usually not about lifelong companionship. Instead, it’s more about teaching you about yourself and encouraging growth.  

Your twin flame can pave the way for lifelong relationships, making them important in your life. But it’s important to remember that your relationship with your twin flame soulmate can be toxic, especially if you mirror each other’s weaknesses and insecurities. While your relationship with your twin flame can be a great opportunity for growth, it can also turn sour along the way. 

Twin flame relationships have to go through several stages, depending on the people involved. The first stage is the premonition stage, and you will feel that you have met someone important in your life. At the final stage of the relationship, you will either end up together or have to end the relationship for good if you cannot work through your insecurities. 

Twin Flame Separation: Twin Flame Separation Ending Signs

Twin flame separation is common since being in a relationship with your twin flame is thought to be the most intense relationship you can ever have. So, if you are in a relationship with your twin flame, yet you feel like separating, you should know that you are not alone in this. It’s common for twin flames to go their separate ways. But the good news is that most of these separations often end up with reconciliation, especially if you are willing to work things out with your twin flame.  

Here’s why twin flame separation happens and what to do if this happens to you. 

What Is a Twin Flame? 

Also called a “mirror soul“, a twin relationship occurs if a single soul is divided into two physical bodies. These two people often share a very intense connection, often mirroring each other in so many ways. The mirroring nature of twin flames forces the two individuals to see each of their fears and insecurities, which can often result in conflict, often leading to twin flame permanent separation. However, if handled well, it can also shed light on areas that can help them grow and become better individuals. If both parties are ready for the deep intimacy and vulnerability that this relationship brings, the relationship could become incredibly enriching and profound. 

But then again, twin flame relationships are very challenging. It can easily become toxic, especially if one or both parties are not ready for it yet. The very fact that both parties believe that they are “meant to be” could cloud their judgement regarding issues about their relationship. This is one of the reasons why it’s common to hear about twin flame separation.  

Twin Flame Separation 

A twin flame separation refers to that stage in the relationship that many twin flame lovers have to go through. It is a period of separation between twin flame lovers. Normally, this happens when the honeymoon phase ends, and attachment issues and insecurities will start to arise. 

Your love for each other will be tested as you begin to dive deep into each other’s insecurities. And when this happens, one party could avoid the other or even abandon the relationship altogether. Twin flame relationships often go through many push and pull phases. Part of the chase is the reward that each person gets out of the relationship. However, there will come a time that the other party will get tired and give up, which is what triggers the twin flame separation

But here’s the good news – many twin flames often end up making their way back into each other’s arms even if it takes several years. However, not everyone is lucky. It all depends on the level of work the twin flames put in while separated from each other. Some twin flame relationships are pretty toxic. In this case, they shouldn’t reunite. 

Reasons Behind Twin Flame Separation 

Here are some of the most common reasons behind the twin flame separation

  1. It’s not yet the right time 

For most twin flame lovers, one or both parties are not ready for the relationship. The party who is not prepared to commit is known as “the runner”. Meanwhile, the other party is the “chaser”.  

There are many instances that twin flames would run away from the relationship. They will go through lots of self-reflection while in the relationship. Eventually, they will realize that the relationship is deeper than the kind of relationship they had in the past. This could scare them away because the idea of loving someone deeply can be overwhelming for them, something that they might not be ready for just yet. 

  1. More growth is needed 

Sometimes, one of the reasons behind a twin flame separation is because one or both parties need more time to grow and learn. And when they come to each other, they would have a healthier and better relationship. Perhaps, the twin flames have met too soon, and it’s just not the right time for them to establish a relationship or that none of them was ready. 

If a twin flame relationship is healthy, both parties will allow each other to grow. However, if growth is not happening in the relationship, it might be better for them to separate. If one or both parties feel stagnant and are not in the best version of themselves while in the relationship, then it might be better for them to separate. 

  1. Lack of self-love 

One of the twin flame separation ending signs is the lack of self-love. If any of the parties lacks self-love, this will manifest in the relationship, either as jealousy, codependency, or something else, making the relationship feel toxic.  

Self-love can be crucial in any twin flame relationship. The very nature of the relationship is often misconstrued as a “perfect match”. As humans, we are made to believe that there is someone out there we need to find to feel “complete”. But it’s important to understand that perfection does not exist. If you live thinking that you need someone to complete you, this can be damaging. Remember, you do not need anyone to complete you. One person cannot possibly answer all your dreams and aspirations in life, only you. 

  1. Spiritual or Emotional Immaturity 

In most cases, the “runner” in a twin flame relationship is not maturing spiritually and emotionally. If the other person matures and grows while the other is left behind, the relationship will eventually fall apart. Both parties should develop equally. If one party is stagnant, this will surely lead to twin flame permanent separation. Usually, twin flame relationships will only last if there is mutual growth. 


A twin flame separation is inevitable. Many twin flame relationships have gone through a separation phase. While others have gotten back together, some are not. Both parties should grow spiritually and emotionally for the relationship to flourish. That way, they can harmoniously coexist. And if they do, this will become the best and most beautiful relationship they will ever have. 

Twin Flame Reunion Signs: Twin Flame Reunion Signs after Separation

If you understand the concept of having a twin flame and find yourself wondering if you have experienced a twin flame reunion, then this article is for you. Twin flames refer to two physical bodies in a single soul. Your twin flame usually has a mirror image of your personality, and thus, it’s also called your “mirror soul.”  

When you experience a twin flame reunion, you will feel a heightened level of happiness and excitement. You will understand the deep meaning of life since you will feel an intense sense of familiarity. When you meet your twin flame, you will experience a mutually satisfying connection towards one another. It is also possible you have already reunited with your twin flame in the past. However, you two have lost touch for some reason.  

In this article, you will know more about the twin flame reunion signs. Knowing them can help you to get along with your mirror soul.  

What Is a Twin Flame Reunion? 

A twin flame relationship refers to a powerful and soulful bond and drives a person’s evolution and spiritual growth. Your twin flame will inspire you to work with each other in accepting your faults and resolving any issues in the relationship. A twin flame relationship is meant to make you become a better version of yourself and fully understand your real self. 

Unfortunately, a twin flame relationship is not always smooth sailing. It also comes with its own share of ups and downs. Sometimes, it can get overwhelming and intense. Since both you and your twin flame will be vulnerable to each other, your relationship will be filled with clashes and disagreements. Since both of you have to deal with your insecurities, flaws, and fears, you might eventually be forced to go your separate ways. 

But after a while, you will eventually find your way towards each other, which is what you call the twin flame reunion. The twin flame reunion signs are inevitable. When you reunite, you’ll feel that you have a shared destiny and that you both are trying to achieve the same purpose. After being separated from each other, you know that you are meant to be together again. 

Signs of a Twin Flame Reunion 

Below are some of the twin flame reunion signs after separation. Identifying the signs of a twin flame reunion can help to declutter and open up your mind. 

  • You Are Being Pulled Towards Certain Places 

If a twin flame reunion is about to happen, you will feel like you are being pulled towards certain places. Your instincts will be sharp, and you will feel a sense of anticipation when you visit certain places. Usually, these are places you may have been visited with your twin flame love in the past. 

  • You Will Feel Exhilarated for No Reason 

Do you find yourself feeling exhilarated but for no reason? Perhaps, you are experiencing a heightened level of excitement, but you are not exactly sure why you are feeling this way. There’s nothing so special that’s happening in your life, but your heart cannot help but jump in happiness and excitement! A twin flame reunion will sometimes make you feel like you have gone crazy. 

It’s the happiness in your soul that makes you feel excited. While you may not be aware that you are reuniting with your twin soul, your soul is fully aware that there’s a twin flame reunion. That’s the reason why you are rejoicing. These are the twin flame reunion signs that you should not ignore. Recognize these emotions and be prepared to meet your twin flame soon. 

  • You Constantly Think of Your Twin Flame 

Are you always thinking about your twin flame for no apparent reason? Perhaps, your thoughts may seem to linger on them even at the oddest of times. Your twin flame is constantly on your mind, and you just cannot stop yourself from thinking about them. You may not be aware, but your twin flame may be thinking about you, too. Remember, you share a deep connection, so recognize what your soul is trying to tell you. This is a sign that you are having a twin flame reunion

  • You Feel Complete 

One of the twin flame reunion signs is a feeling of being complete. You will feel your energy vibration increase, and you will start to experience a sense of completeness. Nothing concerns you anymore, and you will feel at peace with yourself. At this point, you are intuitively getting ready for your reunion and are feeling contented about it. 

  • You will feel the Presence of your Twin Soul 

One of the twin flame reunion signs after separation is that you will feel a strong presence of your twin flame around you (signs twin flame is thinking of you). But when you look around, you will find no one there. Yet, you still sense the energy and vibrations. Your energies will sync since you are connected with your twin soul. If a reunion happens soon, the sensations will intensify, and you will feel like your twin soul is nearby. 

  • You Dream About Them 

If a twin flame reunion is imminent, you will have vivid dreams of them. These dreams are not only limited to sleeping since you will sometimes find yourself daydreaming about them. Sometimes, these dreams could prevent you from doing your daily activities.  

Your twin flame, who may be miles away, is possibly going through the same situation. Dreams are some ways through which the universe will let you interact with your twin soul. In this case, you should prepare your heart to meet your twin soul soon. 

If you are experiencing the twin flame reunion signs, you should prepare yourself for the ultimate reunion with your twin flame. But this does not necessarily mean that you will immediately meet your twin soul. Remember that it will only happen when the time is right. In the meantime, look for ways to connect with your inner soul and improve your being. Meditate regularly to improve your energy vibrations and deepen your bond with your twin flame. 

Signs Twin Flame is Thinking of You

At some point in your twin flame journey, you are probably curious to know the signs twin flame is thinking of you. Perhaps, it’s because you felt a sudden burst of energy in your heart when you meet the person or feel that the two of you have an intense sexual connection. Yes, your twin flame may be thinking about you now, right at this moment. 

Below, check out some of the surprising signs twin flame is thinking of you

  1. Seeing The Person in Your Dreams 

Do you often dream about your twin flame? If so, then that’s maybe because he or she is thinking of you. Most of the time, these dreams are trying to send interesting or important messages.  

Having recurring dreams of the person you believed is your twin flame could mean that you are not just thinking about them, but it’s a sign that the person is thinking about you too. Through your dreams, you connect with the person at a deeper soul level.  

Having shared dreams with your twin flame manifests a shared soul connection and twin flame telepathic. And even if you do not have the same dream with your twin flame love, dreaming about them means that they are subconsciously thinking about you, which is one of the signs your soulmate is missing you

  1. You Are Surrounded by Euphoric Feelings 

Do you remember the feeling of receiving a warm and gentle hug from your grandma? Perhaps, receiving a gift from the person who means the most to you? These are warm and euphoric feelings that you could feel if your twin flame is thinking about you. 

If you feel alone or find yourself feeling down, and suddenly you will experience a warmth feeling that seems to comfort and surround you – then that could be one of the signs twin flame is thinking of you. Your twin flame has you on their mind at that very moment, which explains the sudden burst of warmth and comfort. 

Your twin flame is trying to share that loving energy towards you even when you are not together physically. 

  1. You Smile Subconsciously 

Are there times when you find yourself smiling although there is no reason to smile at all? And what’s worse is that you cannot seem to wipe that smile off your face. In fact, some people will notice that glow in your face and will start asking why.  

You may not know why you feel so happy and are not sure what’s making you smile but take that as a sign that your twin flame is thinking about you. That lingering subconscious smile could mean that your twin flame intently thinking about you with positive vibes.  

As you share a similar energy level with your twin flame, you both will be experiencing an intense feeling of positivity. Usually, this is the case if your twin flame is communicating with you. In fact, the other person might also be smiling for no reason at all! 

  1. You will Feel a Strange Presence Within You 

Do you always feel like there seems to be someone with you even if you are alone? If you are, consider that as one of the signs twin flame is thinking of you. While it might sound scary, the other person’s presence is not really in a paranormal way. But it’s more like a calming, warm, and supportive sense.  

Your twin flame will manifest the energy that you can sense, mainly because he is thinking about you. So even if you two are not physically together, you can feel like they are near you.  

The following manifestations are also signs your twin flame loves you

  • Unexpectedly seeing white feathers. 
  • Feeling that someone is touching and caressing you. 
  • Seeing twin flame patterns and numbers. 

These are also signs of twin flame sexual energy since you are more tuned with your twin flame’s sexual energy than any other person. 

  1. You Have Intense Emotions That Do Not Seem Like Yours 

Are there are any intense emotions that you cannot seem to overcome? Do you experience deep feelings for no apparent reason? Are there any instances that your emotions change suddenly, and you don’t know why? 

For instance, if you are feeling bubbly when watching a comedy movie. But, in a split second, you instantly feel gloomy. Eventually, an overwhelming sense of loneliness will start to fill you in. These are some signs that your twin flame is thinking about you.  

Sometimes, you will feel frustrated one moment, and suddenly, you will feel a sense of calmness and hope. These strange feelings could be one of the signs your soulmate is missing you. After all, twin flames usually share an intense energetic frequency. They usually influence each other even when they are not together. So, if your twin flame is feeling lonely and wants to be with you, you’ll feel it too, and that could affect your energy field. 

  1. You Will Experience a Sudden Burst of Energy 

There are times when you experience immense energy that will give you the urge to go out of your comfort zone. You could find yourself more productive than ever, doing things you have not done before. Sometimes, you will feel excited to try out a new hobby. These are some of the surprising signs twin flame is thinking of you

Twin flames support each other in achieving a shared goal. If you think about each other constantly, you are reaching out to higher dimensions through your connection with each other. Even if you and your twin flames have not started a relationship yet, you both will have that drive to work together in accomplishing worthwhile goals. It is like you are connected through telepathy even though the message remains unclear. This positive change of energy level signifies that you are present in your twin flame’s mind. 


Do not just leave it up to chance if you really want to know the signs twin flame is thinking of you. Try to talk to your twin flame to get the answers you have been searching for. There is a good chance your twin flame feels the same way for you but is just waiting for you to make the move. 

Twin Flame Love: Twin Flame Love Signs 

There’s a good chance that you have met your twin flame love at some point in your life. It’s also likely that you are confused on the concept of “twin flame”, thinking that it’s similar to “soul mates”. However, a twin flame love is not the same as a soul mate. It’s far beyond that. So, in this article, let’s talk more about the twin flame love and determine the signs that you have found yours. 

What Is a Twin Flame? 

A twin flame refers to your soul, which you share across what appears to be two physical beings. It is like a single soul divided into two physical bodies. When a soul is created, it is split into two parts – each is a mirror of the other, constantly yearning to reconnect.  

At its core, twin flame love is more like spiritual growth. Its main purpose is to awaken the soul. The main objective of recognizing your twin flame is to accelerate personal growth, remove blockage, release wounds, and lead you to real love. In addition, these relationships can be very challenging since they shine a light on your insecurities. It also shows your deepest fears for spiritual growth to happen, which can be very difficult to face.  

Encountering your twin flame presents a mirror. These are the things you do not want to deal with – the doubts you have on yourself and the inadequacy you see within yourself will all appear through the presence of your twin flame. While twin flame relationships are often tumultuous, they are not similar to toxic relationships. The twin flame is not doing anything to make you feel you are in a toxic relationship. It just heightened and activated your fears. 

Twin Flame Love versus Other Relationships 

How strong is twin flame love when compared to other types of relationships? Since a twin flame is your actual soul shared across two physical bodies, it is different from other relationships since it’s the type of connection you cannot share with anyone else on Earth. You only have a single twin flame.  

While soulmates are usually great romantic partners, the relationship will not elevate to the heights of a twin flame. You should think of the twin flame as a single soul with its own tune. Soulmates will sing a tune that’s closer to you than anyone else in the world. But the twin flame is you. Therefore, your twin flame holds the same tune as you do. 

Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame Love 

Being in a new relationship could mean dealing with sleepless nights, intense emotions, fireworks, and butterflies. It’s not common for people to be level-headed and have some clarity at this point. So, what are the twin flame love signs? How do you know that you have met your twin flame love? 

Needless to say, when your head is like floating in the clouds, things can get even more confusing. To help you think clearly, here are some signs you have met your twin flame love

  • Instant Recognition and Intense Attraction 

Once you meet your twin flame, you will recognize this instantly, and you’ll develop an intense attraction. Your bond will be solidified in an instant, and all these pieces of your life will just come together with no effort. 

  • Intense Emotions 

Once you meet your twin flame, you will find that your emotions will be amplified. All the things you feel, both good and bad, will become notably stronger, even overwhelming at times. 

  • Synchronicity  

A twin flame love usually comes with a sense of synchronicity. As your relationship unfolds, you will both discover that you have matching interests and a shared moral compass. In addition, you will uncover many coincidences and similar experiences in your twin flame. 

  • Insecurities and Doubts will Intensify 

When you ask how strong is twin flame love, it is very strong that your feelings of insecurities and doubts could be amplified, along with your fears and doubts. Remember, your twin flame love is your mirror. Their purpose in your life is to present you with the things holding you back, such as your insecurities and fears. That way, you can work through them and come out stronger than ever. 

  • Inexplicably Drawn to the Other Person 

Your twin flame love is like a magnet. From the time you meet, you will instantly be drawn to the other person, and this feeling will not seem to wane. You will feel a constant overwhelming pull. And although the attraction can be sexual, it is more often just a desire to be in the presence of that person. 

  • The Relationship Can Be Turbulent 

It’s important to recognize that a twin flame love is not all sunshine and lollipops. In fact, they can often be chaotic and rocky. This ugly side of your twin flame relationship is because you are being forced to confront those parts in you that you do not like at all. These are things you would rather not see. And once the curtain is pulled back, this can be unsettling, to say the least. 

  • On-Again, Off-Again 

Due to the turbulence, your relationship with your twin flame love will likely be on-again and off-again. It’s never easy to come face to face with your demons, and battling powerful emotions can be overwhelming. Eventually, you will find that things are just too much to handle, and you’ll be forced to give up. And while a turbulent relationship is one of the twin flame love signs, it’s important to remember that this is not permanent. You will always find your way back to each other, whether it’s after a week, month, or even years! Others will even take a decade to go back to their twin flame love

While twin flames are meant to reunite with each other, that is not always the case. Sometimes, you will not immediately recognize your twin flame love. If one or both of you have not achieved the required level of growth, the meeting could be indefinitely stalled.