Biorhythm FAQ: Biorhythms and Biolovematch Real?

Biorhythm refers to a technique that uses a person’s life cycle in predicting what happens in the future. There have been many claims about the power of biorhythm and its ability to successfully predict how our life will turn out. As human beings, it is our nature to always try to understand ourselves, which is why many have been intrigued with biorhythm. But still, there are so many questions behind it, and people have been left wondering if it’s reliable.  

Biorhythm is founded on the principal that life of a human revolves around a cycle, with peaks and throughs; with good days and bad days. Mathematical formula is used to calculate or graph the peaks and throughs in someone’s life. This calculation then can be used to determine the good days or bad days for certain activity.   

What are biorhythms used for?  

Biorhythm can be used for practically anything in life as long as it is calculated accurately. Biorhythm can be applied on health, survival, self-help, wealth, love and dating (Biolovematch), etc. Let’s look at how it can be applied in these situations.   

Biorhythm and Health: Biorhythm can be applied to identify a person’s physical rhythm. This accurately outlines the good and bad days for exercising. Your biorhythm can show you the days when you can push the limits and days when you may struggle or totally avoid exercising.   

Biorhythm and Survival: A person’s biorhythm can show the potentially dangerous days that are commonly known as the critical days. Knowing these critical days ahead of time can potentially be life-saving.   

Biorhythm and Self-Help: We all go on to our daily life having no idea on what the following day will bring us. Biorhythm can show you what the days ahead may look like. Knowing this ahead of time allows you to prepare yourself.   

Biorhythm and Wealth: Ever been to a casino where you see people losing left right and center? And there is one little lady, sitting in one corner, just keeps winning. Wao! She is Lucky! It’s her Lucky Day! These are the comments you hear people making. Is it really just pure luck? Chances are, she knows her biorhythm! Your biorhythm can show you the days when you can experience the “Lucky Streak” as well as the days you should avoid going to the casino and do gambling at all. People use biorhythm to pick the days for going to casinos, buying lottery tickets as well as for sports betting. Related terms: Biorhythm chart for luck, Biorhythms lucky days, Biorhythm lucky numbers.  

Biolovematch – Biorhythm for Love and Dating: In search of your soulmate? Is the person you are with the right one for you? How do I know my love is compatible? Biolovematch or biorhythm for love and dating is the science of identifying the compatibility. Common use of biolovematch: soulmate and twin flame compatibility, twin flame soulmate search, twin flame love finding, how do I know my love is compatible? 

In this article, we’ll look into biorhythm and address some of the most common questions people have about it. 

Is Biorhythm Compatibility Real? 

Biorhythm compatibility works in two ways, emotionally and physically. It will reveal if two people can reach their high physical levels and synchronize better in the physical aspect. Intellectually or emotionally, biorhythm reveals the chances of two people having the same mood simultaneously.  

The Biorhythm charts will reveal a person’s biorhythms for a certain period, either for a day, a week, several weeks, a month, and more. The chart will display three separate lines of different colors to do this. A red line, for instance, refers to the physical cycle, while the green line represents the emotional cycle of a person. Meanwhile, a blue line will reveal the overall picture of the person’s intellectual health.   

Now, when it comes to the question, is biorhythm compatibility real? Yes, the compatibility tests using biorhythm are 100% real. Unlike human revelations that are often only half-truths, these tests are based upon an ancient system of numerology and planetary influences. 

What Do Negative Biorhythms Mean? 

When using the biorhythm calculator, your chart will indicate if your biorhythm is positive or negative. If the chart reveals your cycle being on top of a midpoint line, you are physically, intellectually, and emotionally on a positive upturn.  

On the other hand, if the chart reveals that your cycle is below the midpoint line, you have a negative biorhythm. If you have a negative biorhythm, you could find it hard to make decisions, or you will feel mentally foggy. Having negative biorhythm will also make you feel tired and weak, and you will have a lower level of energy. 

How Do You Read Biorhythms? 

Biorhythms refer to body cycles that regulate your emotions, health, and intellect. You have three basic cycles of biorhythm: 33-day intellectual cycle, 28-day intellectual cycle, and 23-day intellectual cycle.  

The physical cycle regulates the sex drive, strength, metabolic rate, stamina, hand and eye coordination, and initiative. On the other hand, the emotional cycle regulates nerves, moods, affection, and creativity. Finally, the intellectual cycle regulates reasoning, logic, concentration, sense of direction, alertness, memory, power of deduction, and decision-making. 

  1. The first step to reading a biorhythm is to use a biorhythm calculator, which you’ll find online. These calculators are free to use. 
  1. Next, enter your birthdate – the year, month, and day you were born. Type them into the respective boxes at the calculator. 
  1. In the next step, you’ll have to provide the time of your birth. You can skip this if you don’t know, but it is best to provide this information for a more accurate reading. 
  1. Then enter the time zone of the country where you were born.  
  1. Next, click on the calculator tab, and it will display the chart of your biorhythm cycles. 
  1. Now that you have the chart in front of you, it’s time to analyze it. Most biorhythm calculators will display your biorhythm through a line chart, while others will reveal it to you through a bar chart. The chart will show your biorhythms for a certain day, week, etc. The chart will display three different colored lines – red is your physical cycle, green is your emotional cycle, and blue is your overall intellectual health.   
  1. Look for the mid-point line on the chart. If your cycle is right on top of a midpoint line, you are on a positive upturn in all aspects, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. However, you’re on a negative downturn if it’s below the midpoint line. 

How Do I Know My Love Is Compatible? 

Biorhythm compatibility will reveal your chances of having the same mood with another person at the same time. On a physical level, the biorhythms compatibility of two people will indicate that they simultaneously have a high physical level and can better synchronize with each other.   

In a romantic relationship, you must be synchronized on an emotional level. Meanwhile, professional relationships should be synchronized physically and mentally. So how do you know if your love is compatible? The answer is not as easy as you think. Biorhythm compatibility, by nature, is cyclical. What is true today may not be the same for the next week. 

Can You Change Your Biorhythms? 

To change biorhythm, establish a daily routine of your activities to adapt to your new time zone. After a few days of being consistent with your new routine, your biorhythms will reset. Although we tend to resist routine in favor of being flexible with our schedules, our body needs to adhere to a routine to set its biorhythm.  

Routine timing for certain key events throughout the day can help establish a predictable pattern of hormone release and help your body adjust. You can change your biorhythm even if you are not traveling. Just be consistent with your activities, and after a few days, your body will be able to adjust. 


Biorhythms can help you in various aspects of your life. It will somehow give you an idea of what could happen in the future. Are you worried about an upcoming job interview? Do you need to make a big life decision but feel doubtful? Biorhythms may be able to help you address these questions. It helps to ensure that you are in the right mindset for the things about to happen in your life. In fact, biorhythms are heavily used by professional gamblers and poker players. It helps them decide when would be the best days to play, and it helps them figure out which days they are intellectually sharp, which increases their chances of winning.