Twin Flame Anxiety Attacks: How to Deal with Twin Flame Reunion Anxiety?

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A twin flame reunion anxiety can happen if you are dealing with a separation from your twin flame, and you’re left wondering if there is still a chance for the two of you to reunite. Although it’s common for twin flames to separate, this separation can often lead to a reunion. However, while waiting for the reunion, a part of you will be feeling scared of what’s about to happen.  

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The best way to deal with the situation is to take a closer look into your twin flame relationship. Understand what the problem is and talk to your partner to see if there’s still a possibility that you can reconcile. Besides, the fear of the unknown is way too much to bear than the fear of the relationship itself. 

When Will Twin Flame Reunion Anxiety Attack? 

Twin flame anxiety attacks when you feel scared about a possible reunion with your twin flame after your separation. Perhaps you feel anxious about restarting a relationship with your twin flame for certain reasons. It’s also possible that you are worried that maybe the two of you will no longer be together again. Are you able to handle a permanent separation with your twin flame? 

Separating with your twin flame is a truly devastating experience. Twin flames often have deep connection and feelings towards each other. So, a separation could trigger feelings of stress and anxiety. But it’s important to remember that anxiety often lives in the future. The unknowns surrounding your possible reunion with your twin flame are often why twin flame anxiety attacks

How to Prevent Twin Flame Reunion Anxiety? 

In most cases, the uncertainty surrounding your twin flame reunion is what’s causing your anxiety. The best way to deal with the situation is to take a closer look at the events leading to your twin flame reunion. Think about the events that could happen during the reunion and after it to quiet down your anxiety.  

Since anxiety often lives in the future, mindfulness and living in the present moment is the best antidote. Understanding where you are on your twin flame journey allows you to focus on what is happening now and keep your mind from racing ahead to numerous “what if” scenarios.  

Signs A Twin Flame Reunion Will Happen 

As mentioned, one of the best ways to deal with twin flame reunion anxiety is to have a closer look at the events leading up to your separation and reunion. Fortunately, there are many signs that the universe often uses to tell us if a twin flame reunion is bound to happen soon.  

Here are some signs that a twin flame reunion could happen soon. 

  • You’re thinking of each other more often than ever 

Although your twin flame is not far from your thoughts, it seems that recently, every little thing constantly reminds you of them. Even something that’s completely unrelated will make you think about them. You will immediately think about your twin flame would react to certain things or what they will say if they are with you. Subconsciously, you will find yourself thinking about places that mean the most to both of you. 

  • You constantly dream of your twin flame 

Aside from thinking about your twin flame every day, they will also be present in your dreams. Your dreams, often filled with sadness while in the separation phase, will begin to shine with hope.  

Your dream about your possible reunion and the intensity of your separation has been instilled in you both. In some cases, you could also dream of reunions you have in your past life. Whatever your dreams are, you could find yourself waking up filled with sadness and longing, but with a renewed hope for the future and a sign of new beginnings. Somehow, this renewed hope can help prevent twin flame anxiety attacks.  

  • Signs of new beginnings 

Speaking of new beginnings, this is one of the signs that the universe will send you to let you know that a possible twin flame reunion is about to happen soon. Some of the signs include hearing or reading stories about people overcoming adversities. Walking through nature could reveal to you the new beginnings of a beautiful life. Sometimes, when you talk to people, you will recognize a theme of new beginnings from their stories, such as someone is starting a new venture, an upcoming wedding, or new arrival to a family.  

Along with these signs, you will also get a sense of new beginnings within yourself. You will recognize a charged energy similar to what you will feel when you’re with your twin flame. It might be a similar feeling, but it’s actually different. This time, your energies have evolved to prepare you for a long-term reunion with your twin flame.  

What Happens During your Twin Flame Reunion? 

So, the moment you have been waiting for finally comes. But what if your relationship starts falling apart again? This could be one of the reasons behind your twin flame anxiety attacks – the fear that your reunion might just lead to nothing.  

When you meet your twin flame for the first time, your differences could drive a wedge into your relationship, leading to fights. Eventually, your egos will take charge, and that’s when a separation is bound to happen. That’s why during your separation, use that time to reflect on your relationship. Recognize your differences and view them in a positive light. Use your differences to bring a balance to your relationship, so you can come together as a whole instead of two people trying to outdo each other.  

For instance, if you are more outspoken, the other party should be calmer. If one of you is more ambitious, the other should be willing to offer support and encourage their twin flame to pursue their ambitions. Your differences can bring harmony to your relationship if you recognize these differences and use them to complement each other and not divide each other.