Signs Twin Flame is Thinking of You

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At some point in your twin flame journey, you are probably curious to know the signs twin flame is thinking of you. Perhaps, it’s because you felt a sudden burst of energy in your heart when you meet the person or feel that the two of you have an intense sexual connection. Yes, your twin flame may be thinking about you now, right at this moment. 

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Below, check out some of the surprising signs twin flame is thinking of you

  1. Seeing The Person in Your Dreams 

Do you often dream about your twin flame? If so, then that’s maybe because he or she is thinking of you. Most of the time, these dreams are trying to send interesting or important messages.  

Having recurring dreams of the person you believed is your twin flame could mean that you are not just thinking about them, but it’s a sign that the person is thinking about you too. Through your dreams, you connect with the person at a deeper soul level.  

Having shared dreams with your twin flame manifests a shared soul connection and twin flame telepathic. And even if you do not have the same dream with your twin flame love, dreaming about them means that they are subconsciously thinking about you, which is one of the signs your soulmate is missing you

  1. You Are Surrounded by Euphoric Feelings 

Do you remember the feeling of receiving a warm and gentle hug from your grandma? Perhaps, receiving a gift from the person who means the most to you? These are warm and euphoric feelings that you could feel if your twin flame is thinking about you. 

If you feel alone or find yourself feeling down, and suddenly you will experience a warmth feeling that seems to comfort and surround you – then that could be one of the signs twin flame is thinking of you. Your twin flame has you on their mind at that very moment, which explains the sudden burst of warmth and comfort. 

Your twin flame is trying to share that loving energy towards you even when you are not together physically. 

  1. You Smile Subconsciously 

Are there times when you find yourself smiling although there is no reason to smile at all? And what’s worse is that you cannot seem to wipe that smile off your face. In fact, some people will notice that glow in your face and will start asking why.  

You may not know why you feel so happy and are not sure what’s making you smile but take that as a sign that your twin flame is thinking about you. That lingering subconscious smile could mean that your twin flame intently thinking about you with positive vibes.  

As you share a similar energy level with your twin flame, you both will be experiencing an intense feeling of positivity. Usually, this is the case if your twin flame is communicating with you. In fact, the other person might also be smiling for no reason at all! 

  1. You will Feel a Strange Presence Within You 

Do you always feel like there seems to be someone with you even if you are alone? If you are, consider that as one of the signs twin flame is thinking of you. While it might sound scary, the other person’s presence is not really in a paranormal way. But it’s more like a calming, warm, and supportive sense.  

Your twin flame will manifest the energy that you can sense, mainly because he is thinking about you. So even if you two are not physically together, you can feel like they are near you.  

The following manifestations are also signs your twin flame loves you

  • Unexpectedly seeing white feathers. 
  • Feeling that someone is touching and caressing you. 
  • Seeing twin flame patterns and numbers. 

These are also signs of twin flame sexual energy since you are more tuned with your twin flame’s sexual energy than any other person. 

  1. You Have Intense Emotions That Do Not Seem Like Yours 

Are there are any intense emotions that you cannot seem to overcome? Do you experience deep feelings for no apparent reason? Are there any instances that your emotions change suddenly, and you don’t know why? 

For instance, if you are feeling bubbly when watching a comedy movie. But, in a split second, you instantly feel gloomy. Eventually, an overwhelming sense of loneliness will start to fill you in. These are some signs that your twin flame is thinking about you.  

Sometimes, you will feel frustrated one moment, and suddenly, you will feel a sense of calmness and hope. These strange feelings could be one of the signs your soulmate is missing you. After all, twin flames usually share an intense energetic frequency. They usually influence each other even when they are not together. So, if your twin flame is feeling lonely and wants to be with you, you’ll feel it too, and that could affect your energy field. 

  1. You Will Experience a Sudden Burst of Energy 

There are times when you experience immense energy that will give you the urge to go out of your comfort zone. You could find yourself more productive than ever, doing things you have not done before. Sometimes, you will feel excited to try out a new hobby. These are some of the surprising signs twin flame is thinking of you

Twin flames support each other in achieving a shared goal. If you think about each other constantly, you are reaching out to higher dimensions through your connection with each other. Even if you and your twin flames have not started a relationship yet, you both will have that drive to work together in accomplishing worthwhile goals. It is like you are connected through telepathy even though the message remains unclear. This positive change of energy level signifies that you are present in your twin flame’s mind. 


Do not just leave it up to chance if you really want to know the signs twin flame is thinking of you. Try to talk to your twin flame to get the answers you have been searching for. There is a good chance your twin flame feels the same way for you but is just waiting for you to make the move.